Page 14 - Are You Future Ready?
P. 14

Preface 3

                     ‘Are you Future Ready?’ The question could be asked
                     of any technology domain, but author Winnie Tang asks

                     specifically in the context of spatial data technologies and
                     their application to cities. In this context, it is a loaded
                     question, in the sense addressed by the last section of the
                     book when juxtaposed with the previous three sections.

                     The ‘science and technology of where’ requires no less
                     sophistication than other technologies but is peculiarly
                     relatable. Everyone loves and can understand maps. But

                     the digital technology underlying smart city tech is not
                     quite the same as the digital technology that revolutionised
                     cartography  and  GIS  in  the  1980s.  The  internet  of

                     things combined with advances in sensing technology,
                     high resolution urban big data, AI and ultra-high speed
                     processing, means that the technological future that is
                     arriving is truly novel. In particular, it is novel in its ability
                     to detect and predict patterns and model alternative
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